Status as on 04-12-2024 02:26:01

                  Manufacturer                 Dealer                   Repairer                   Importer                   Packers
DistrictAppliedApprovedwithin SLANotwithin SLAPendingRejectedAppliedApprovedwithin SLANotwithin SLAPendingRejectedAppliedApprovedwithin SLANotwithin SLAPendingRejectedAppliedApprovedwithin SLANotwithin SLAPendingRejectedAppliedApprovedwithin SLANotwithin SLAPendingRejected
Calibration 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Central 2 1 0 1 36 14 2 20 3 2 0 1 128 24 4 100 25 14 0 11
East 4 1 1 2 61 22 2 37 12 7 0 5 59 9 13 37 34 8 7 19
New Delhi 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 22 4 0 18 6 2 0 4
North 4 2 0 2 25 12 1 12 8 5 0 3 83 14 2 67 29 14 1 14
North East 17 11 1 5 53 36 0 17 40 33 0 7 19 4 1 14 36 23 1 12
North West 51 32 0 19 81 50 3 28 32 21 2 9 172 37 11 124 91 36 8 47
South 9 4 0 5 53 18 6 29 19 8 0 11 325 95 14 216 118 55 5 58
South West 14 6 1 7 29 16 1 12 10 6 0 4 150 42 8 100 90 41 9 40
Taxi Meter Unit 5 2 0 3 23 15 0 8 25 20 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
West 17 11 2 4 50 29 3 18 12 6 0 6 218 69 17 132 93 29 10 54

Average/Median time taken to grant approval in respect of each category of service.

S.No Name of Service Avg days Taken by the Department in the process Median time taken to grant approval Date between (01-01-2022 To Till Date)
1 Importers 41.34 35 -DO-
2 Packers 33 28 -DO-
3 Dealer 35.30 26 -DO-
4 Repairer 36.15 25.5 -DO-
5 Manufacturer 19.07 14 -DO-