E-Service Level Agreement (eSLA)
The objective of introducing a service level agreement model in to the
government is to bring more accountability and responsiveness and functional
efficiency in department activities. Besides, it intends to define and
deconstruct the role and accountability of various stakeholders in the whole
process of service delivery.
The e-SLA project is designed to ensure timely delivery of basic services to the
citizens by fixing accountability. The information system, developed by the
Delhi State Unit of National Informatics Centre (NIC), captures electronically
the submission of service applications and their disposal. To the government, it
provides information on the number of applications processed or disposed as well
as the number of pending cases. This helps the government in tracking the
performing and non-performing departments and personnel and in taking timely
corrective measures. To the citizens, it provides online facility to
track their applications. To ensure that the cases are disposed on time, the
government has introduced a system to penalise officers in cases of delay in
delivery of services. The government has also enacted a law to ensure this.
application online
The Delhi (Right Of Citizen To Time Bound Delivery Of Services) Act, 2011
For more details, please visit web portal of Delhi Government at